Wednesday, 15 December 2010


Question one: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Examples of keeping in whith convention- (examples from our documentary above)

This screenshot from our documentary shows how we have included voxpops in our documtentary.

Above you cen see our opening titles which we featured in our documentary

This shot shows how we focused on mise en scene in our documentary, as we always had something relevant to what is being said in the interview in the background.

Here we see that we included graphics when showing an interview with someone for the first time. These only stayed on the screen for five seconds and no longer, so that the audience arn't distraced from whats happening int the intervew.

We can see how we kept with the framing conventions in this shot as they are talking to one side of the camera and the eyeline is a third of the way down the screen.

I am aware that the cube is not a documentary but it was difficult to find examples of ITV print adverts and this would share the conventions a documentary print advert would
As you can see from the powerpoint my advert abides by all of the codes and conventions of print adverts like using one main image which has had little or no manipulation done to it and the image takes up most of the advert. The ident appearing in the bottom right of the image and the title with other information in the bottom left corner. The graphics are simple and do not distract from the main image. The whole advert also uses a limited amount of colour.
I have abided by all of these conventions because I wanted the advert to look professional.

The radio advert also abides by most of the radio advert codes and conventions. Below is an advert which abides by the radio codes and conventions.

I abided by all of the conventions for the radio trailer such as using a constant music bed which I did by having classical music playing throughout my trailer and in the one above there is quiet instrumental music playing. We also included the programme information, like the programme title, slogan, channel and time. We included these on the end of our trailer because then it would stay fresh in our target audiences minds and so they wouldn't forget. They also use extracts from the actual programme, which we included with the voxpops and some parts of the interviews. This is not included in the trailer above. We also used the same voiceover as in the actual programme and we did this so that the two would be paralleled together and linked. The voiceover in our product uses rhetorical questions and puns like fancy a cuppa so that the audience is drawn in, this is another convention. This can also be herd in the advert above as Steven Fry both does the trailer and documentary and uses rhetorical questions and puns.
This shows that I have sucessfully used the conventions from radio trailers and I did this to make it look professional.
I made both the adverts abide by most if not all of the conventions because I needed to draw in an audience and then went against some of the conventions in the main documentary. I did this because the main documentary needed to keep changing so that the audience would watch all of the way through where as the adverts only needed to gain an audience.

Question two: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary text?

(Click on the link below)

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