Monday 11 October 2010

Filming Process

Before we started filming we did research and analysed documentaries so that we knew how to frame the interviews and what was expected.
5th October
The first bit of filming that we did was in Warrington Town centre, just outside the Golden Square. In the background of the shot there was various cafes which added mise-en-scene. We went and got permission to film there the day before. All together we got 12 voxpops who we asked relevant questions about tea.

15th October
We filmed an elderly person where we asked them their memories of tea and when they would drink tea. I made a background with teapots and tea boxes on and used this in the interview for mise-en-scene.

16th October
On this day we filmed Christian Birchall at his house in his kitchen, in the background you can see his kettle which adds mise-en-scene.
17th October
A member of our group filmed their kettle which we could use as a cutaway.
19th October
Today we filmed at the Lancashire Tea Rooms in Warrington Town Centre, the day before we asked if we could film there and they told us that the manager, Lynn, would be available the next day. In the tea room there was a background of tea plantation which we filmed in front of.

Later in the day I filmed Janet who informed us on how to make the perfect cup of tea.

I also filmed some cut away shots later in the day of close ups of teapots and kettles.

21st October
We filmed more cutaways at one of our group members houses.
27th October
On this day I filmed various stills which we will use in our documentary. After doing the research on other documentaries I found that they had movement on their stills so I tried to do incorporate zooms and pans in them. This would prevent the audience from loosing interest in that part of the documentary.
28th October
I filmed part of the opening titles on this day. I spelled out the title of our documentary, Milk and 2 Sugars, on a table in teabags. Then i used stop motion to move the teabags back into the container. In the editing process we will reverse this and make it look like the teabags are coming out of the container to spell our documentary title.
4th November
I filmed someone else showing how to make the perfect cup of tea in their house, however I used a boom mike this time to improve the sound quality.

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